.. Curly Braces 波括弧 ------------ .. Opening curly braces (``{``) must be on the same line as the declaration they represent:: 左波括弧(\ ``{``\ )は,その宣言と同じ行に置きます。 :: def foo = { ... } .. Technically, Scala's parser *does* support GNU-style notation with opening braces on the line following the declaration. However, the parser is not terribly predictable when dealing with this style due to the way in which semi-colon inference is implemented. Many headaches will be saved by simply following the curly brace convention demonstrated above. 技術的には,ScalaのパーサはGNUスタイルの,つまり,宣言の次の行に左括弧を配置する記法をサポート\ **します**\ 。\ しかし,Scalaパーサのセミコロン推論の実装方法の制限から,このスタイルで書かれた場合には推論がうまくできません。\ 上述の規約に従うことで,悩みの種は殆ど無くなります。